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Why WebLytics?

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First remote monitoring and diagnostic software for collaborative applications

WebLytics is the industry’s first software solution that provides real-time, application-focused data for production monitoring, device diagnostics, and data analytics. With this new tool, you can help your customers enhance productivity and minimise downtime.

Capable of monitoring the performance of multiple collaborative applications simultaneously and in real time, WebLytics automatically collects, analyses, and reports on cobots, end of arm tooling and light industrial robots. WebLytics transforms data to be displayed in an easy to understand, visual device using intuitive and customisable dashboards and alerts.

New Revenue Opportunities
Utilise WebLytics to provide data-backed custom service agreement helping customer minimise downtime via immediate support.
Provide engineering services for cell optimisation using operational data collection.
Boost spare part business by being informed about equipment problems and maintenance needs.
Increase credibility and trust of automation with inbuilt monitoring to create a competitive advantage.
Fast deployment using ready-made robot integrations and dashboards.
Establish a recurring revenue stream from WebLytics licenses, service agreements and spare parts.
WebLytics Web Server

The WebLytics server can be deployed on a shop floor's local network or added to a virtual network that connects to the robot cell. Collected data is stored locally on the WebLytics server. Meanwhile, WebLytics' built-in web server is always accessible from the shop floor network or from anywhere in the world via secure HTTPS connection.

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